Students are expected to attend school daily in proper uniform and be neatly dressed at all times.
Students are not allowed to wear jewellery or make-up.
Students are not allowed to bring money or other valuable items to school. The school will not be responsible for loss of personal items.
Books must be neatly covered and the name of owner properly and clearly written.
Belongings of students such as bags, cardigans, pencil boxes etc. should be marked for easy identification.
Courtesy and Respect are very important factors of student behaviour. Disrespect and Disobedience may result in serious disciplinary action involving suspension or even expulsion.
Punctuality is essential and students must report to school on time. Once they come to school they are not allowed to go out of the campus without permission from the Principal.
Students are not allowed to leave school in the course of the day.
If a student is absent from school the reason of his/her absence must be recorded in the relevant section of the school diary and shown to the class teacher. The parent must sign this entry.
If a student is absent for more than 4 days because of illness, a Medical Certificate is required.
A student suffering from contagious diseases like Chicken Pox, Measles, Mumps, etc. must not be sent to school till the quarantine period is over.
Application for leave of absence must be submitted in advance to the Principal. Work missed by absent student must be made up on their own.
The use of the telephone is restricted to emergencies only and may be used only with permission.
Chewing gum and supari is not allowed.
Students must BRING their diary to school everyday.
Parents are requested to check the school diary and acknowledge receipt of circulars.
Private tuition is not approved of by the school. However, mathematics tutorial classes are conducted by the school for children who are lagging behind their peers for a definite period of time until they catch up with their class. Contact the Headmistress for details of this service.